Israel is now losing support among ALMOST EVERY demographic in America


Israel is now losing support among every demographic in America after a new survey revealed that support among Evangelicals was also following. A new study by LifeWay Research, sponsored by Chosen People Ministries and author Joel C. Rosenberg, released on December 4th could have startling repercussions for Israel. According to the survey “Three-quarters (77 percent) of evangelicals 65 and older say they support the existence, security and prosperity of Israel. That drops to 58 percent among younger evangelicals, those 18 to 34.”

According to the study 2,002 Americans with Evangelical Christian beliefs were surveyed. The findings show that the younger the person, the more likely they are to answer “not sure” or “negative” in terms of their views of Israel. Evangelicals have emerged over the last decades as a major bedrock of support for Israel in the US. As these groups on the religious right gained influence in the Republican Party their views on Israel became more important for US policy.

For instance, according to PRI, “Evangelical Christians make up the biggest pro-Israel bloc in the US. Support for Israel is stronger among American evangelicals than it is even among American Jews. According to a poll conducted by the Pew Research Center, 82 percent of white evangelicals think God gave Israel to the Jewish people. Less than half as many Jewish Americans or Catholic Americans agree.” Another Bloomberg poll, found that around 60 percent of evangelicals say the US should support Israel even if its interests diverge with American interests. That’s pretty important. In 2017 55% of members of Congress defined themselves as “Protestant” and 31% as Catholic. Unsurprisingly Protestants are more likely to be Republican. Some of these Protestants are Anglicans but many are Evangelicals. They make up an “engine of support” for Israel.

Israel is losing support among young people

A study by the Global Strategy Group, sampled 2,600 and found support slipping among many groups. Overall support from 2010 to 2016 fell from 76% to 62%. Between 2010 and 2016 support among college students fell to 54%. Among Jewish college students support fell to 82%. Another survey in 2014 found that “from 2006 to July 2014, the number of millennials who expressed support for the Palestinians rose from 9 percent to 20 percent. Today, more than one-quarter, 27 percent, of millennials support the Palestinians.”

Among Jewish Americans

Support for Israel is also slipping among Jewish Americans. A survey showed that only 35% of Jewish students felt Israel was “very important” compared to a 2013 poll at Pew that found 43% felt supporting Israel was an essential part of being Jewish. More Jews visit Israel among the young generation but they may not come away liking it so much.

Among Democrats

A drop from 73 to 60%. The 2014 poll found that “in a dispute, 43 percent of Democrats say they would support Israel, while 29 percent would support the Palestinians.”

Among women

A drop from 74 to 57%

Among African-Americans

Although there have been attempts in recent years to make inroads in the US community, it has largely failed to catch on. 36% of African-American critiqued Israel’s actions in the 2014 Gaza war


35% of Hispanics critiqued Israel’s actions in the 2014 Gaza war. An IDC presentation notes “Among Hispanics, a lower level of support for Israel, a higher level of support for Palestinians and more undecided.” However it found pro-Israel trends as well, “As the balance of this group shifts from immigrants to natively born, support for Israel increases.


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